Selasa, 28 November 2017

The Maharishi Ayurveda Approach to Beauty and Skin Care

"Every person is born perfect. Inferiority is a mistake of the mind, a cloud covering the light. Dissolve the clouds by observing a balanced life with healthy habits. Nourish your mind and body. Connect with your own inner self. Celebrate your own magnificence and your beauty will always shine through." -Dr. Rama Kant Mishra, renowned Ayurvedic physician and dermatologist

The Three Pillars of Beauty

Maharishi Ayurveda (MAV), the modern, consciousness-based revival of the ancient Ayurvedic medicine tradition, considers true beauty to be supported by three pillars; Outer Beauty, Inner Beauty and Lasting Beauty. Only by enhancing all three can we attain the balanced state of radiant health that makes each of us the most fulfilled and beautiful person we can be.

Outer Beauty: Roopam

The outer signs of beauty - your skin, hair and nails - are more than just superficial measures of beauty. They are direct reflections of your overall health. These outer tissues are created by the inner physiological processes involved in digestion, metabolism and proper tissue development. Outer beauty depends more on the strength of your digestion and metabolism, the quality of your diet, and the purity of your blood, than on external cleansers and conditioners you may apply.

General Recommendations for Outer Beauty

As we will discuss, the key to skin care is matching your diet and skin care routine to the specific skin type you have. Meanwhile, there are some valuable recommendations for lustrous skin, hair and nails that will be helpful to everyone, regardless of skin type.

1. Diet: Without adequate nourishment, your collagen layer thins and a kind of wasting takes place. Over time, your skin can shrivel up like a plant without water from lack of nourishment. To keep your skin plump and glowing:

A. Eat fresh, whole organic foods that are freshly prepared.

Avoid packaged, canned, frozen, processed foods and leftovers. These foods have little nutritional value and also they are often poorly digested which creates impurities that localize in the skin. The resulting buildup of toxins causes irritation and blocks circulation depriving the skin of further nourishment and natural cleansing processes.

B. Favor skin nourishing foods.

    Leafy green vegetables contain vitamins, minerals (especially iron and calcium) and are high in antioxidant properties. They nourish the skin and protect it from premature aging.

    Sweet juicy fruits like grapes, melons, pears, plums and stewed apples at breakfast are excellent for the skin in almost everyone.

    Eat a wide variety of grains over different meals and try mixed grain servings at breakfast and lunch. Add amaranth, quinoa, cous cous, millet and barley to the wheat and rice you already eat.

    Favor light, easy to digest proteins like legume soups (especially yellow split mung dhal), whole milk, paneer (cheese made from boiling milk, adding lemon and straining solids) and lassi (diluted yogurt and spice drinks).

    Oils like ghee (clarified butter) and organic, extra virgin olive oil should be included in the diet as they lubricate, nourish and create lustre in the skin.
    Use spices like turmeric, cumin, coriander, and black pepper to improve digestion, nourish the skin and cleanse it of impurities.

    Avoid microwaving and boiling your vegetables. They lose as much as 85% of their antioxidant content when cooked in this way. Steaming and sautéing are best.

Caring for outer beauty through knowledge of skin type

Besides these general recommendations the key to Outer Beauty is to understand the difference in skin types so you can gain the maximum benefit from your individualized skin care regimen. MAV identifies three different skin types based on which of the three main metabolic principles (doshas)- present in everyone, but to different degrees- is most dominant in your body.

Vata Skin

* Description: Vata is composed of the elements of air and space. If you have a vata skin type, your skin will be dry, thin, fine pored, delicate and cool to the touch. When balanced, it glows with a delicate lightness and refinement that is elegant and attractive. When vata skin is imbalanced, it will be prone to excessive dryness and may even be rough and flaky.

* Potential problems: The greatest beauty challenge for vata skin is its predisposition to symptoms of early aging. Your skin may tend to develop wrinkles earlier than most due to its tendency to dryness and thinness. If your digestion is not in balance, your skin can begin to look dull and grayish, even in your 20's and 30's. In addition, your skin may have a tendency for disorders such as dry eczema and skin fungus. Mental stress, such as worry, fear and lack of sleep, has a powerful debilitating effect on vata skin leaving it looking tired and lifeless.

* Recommendations for care

With a little knowledge, you can preserve and protect the delicate beauty of your vata type skin. Since your skin does not contain much moisture, preventing it from drying is the major consideration. Eat a warm, unctuous diet (ghee and olive oil are best) and favor sour, salty and sweet tastes (naturally sweet like fruits, not refined sugar) as they balance vata. Avoid drying foods like crackers. Drink 6-8 glasses of warm (not cold for vata types!) water throughout the day and eat plenty of sweet, juicy fruits. Going to bed early (before 10 PM) is very soothing to vata and will have a tremendously positive influence on your skin. Avoid cleansing products that dry the skin (like alcohol-based cleansers) and perform Ayurvedic oil massage to your whole body (abhyanga) in the morning before you shower.

Pitta Skin.

* Description: Pitta dosha is composed of the elements of fire and water. If you have a pitta skin type your skin is fair, soft, warm and of medium thickness. When balanced, your skin has a beautiful, slightly rosy or golden glow, as if illuminated from within. Your hair typically is fine and straight, and is usually red, sandy or blonde in color. Your complexion tends toward the pink or reddish, and there is often a copious amount of freckles or moles.

* Potential problems: Among the many beauty challenges of pitta skin types is your tendency to develop rashes, rosacea, acne, liver spots or pigment disorders. Because of the large proportion of the fire element in your constitution, your skin does not tolerate heat or sun very well. Of all the three skin types, pitta skin has the least tolerance for the sun, is photosensitive, and most likely to accumulate sun damage over the years. Pitta skin is aggravated by emotional stress, especially suppressed anger, frustration, or resentment.

* Recommendations for care

Avoid excessive sunlight, tanning treatments and highly heating therapies like facial or whole body steams. Avoid hot, spicy foods and favor astringent, bitter and sweet foods which balance pitta. (Again, naturally sweet, not chocolate and refined sugar!) Sweet juicy fruits (especially melons and pears), cooked greens and rose petal preserves are especially good. Drinking plenty of water helps wash impurities from sensitive pitta skin. Reduce external or internal contact with synthetic chemicals, to which your skin is especially prone to react, even in a delayed fashion after years of seemingly uneventful use. Avoid skin products that are abrasive, heating or contain artificial colors or preservatives. Most commercial make-up brands should be avoided in favor of strictly 100% natural ingredient cosmetics. And be sure to get your emotional stress under control through plenty of outdoor exercise, yoga and meditation.

Kapha Skin.

* Description: Kapha dosha is composed of the elements of earth and water. If you have a kapha skin type your skin is thick, oily, soft and cool to the touch. Your complexion is a glowing porcelain whitish color, like the moon, and hair characteristically thick, wavy, oily and dark. Kapha skin types, with their more generous collagen and connective tissue, are fortunate to develop wrinkles much later in life than vata or pitta types.

*Potential problems If your skin becomes imbalanced, it can show up as enlarged pores, excessively oily skin, moist types of eczema, blackheads, acne or pimples, and water retention. Kapha skin is also more prone to fungal infections.

* Recommendations for care

Kapha skin is more prone to clogging and needs more cleansing than other skin types. Be careful to avoid greasy, clogging creams. Likewise, avoid heavy, hard to digest foods like fried foods, fatty meats, cheeses and rich desserts. Eat more light, easy to digest, astringent, bitter and pungent (well-spiced) foods as they balance kapha. Olive oil is the best cooking oil and a little ginger and lime juice can be taken before meals to increase your characteristically sluggish digestive fire. Take warm baths often and use gentle cleansers to open the skin pores. Avoid getting constipated and try to get some exercise every day to increase circulation and help purify the skin through the sweating process.

Inner Beauty: Gunam.

Happy, positive, loving, caring individuals have a special beauty that is far more than skin deep. Conversely we all experience the quick and deleterious effect on our skin from fatigue and stress.

Inner beauty is authentic beauty, not the kind that shows on a made-up face, but the kind that shines through from your soul, your consciousness or inner state of being. Inner beauty comes from a mind and heart that are in harmony, not at odds with each other, causing emotional confusion, loss of confidence, stress and worry. Inner peace is the foundation of outer beauty.

Maintain your self-confidence and a warm, loving personality by paying attention to your lifestyle and daily routine and effective management of stress (I highly recommend the TM technique for its scientifically-verified benefits on mental and physical health and reduced aging.) You will also be healthier and feel better through the day if you eat your main meal at midday and make a habit of going to bed early (by 10 PM is ideal.)

Remember, kindness, friendliness and sincerity naturally attract people to you. On the other hand, being uptight or tense makes people want to walk the other way, regardless of your facial structure, body weight, or other outer signs we associate with attractiveness.

Lasting Beauty: Yayastyag

In order to slow the aging process and gain lasting beauty there are two additional key considerations beyond those already discussed,

1. Eliminate toxins and free radicals in the body: The main deteriorating effects of aging come as toxins and impurities (called ama in Ayurveda) accumulate throughout the body. These toxins may begin as free radicals in the body, or over time may become oxidized into free radicals, all of which contribute to premature aging in the body. For lasting health and beauty it is essential to avoid and neutralize free radicals, to prevent impurities of all kinds from accumulating and to remove those that have already become lodged in the body.

The most powerful cleansing therapy in Maharishi Ayurveda is "panchakarma" therapy, a series of natural treatments ideally performed twice yearly, that involves 5-7 days in a row of massage, heat treatments and mild herbal enemas. Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of undergoing this cleansing program once or twice a year to prevent impurities from accumulating, localizing and hardening in the tissues. Just as we change the oil in our cars regularly for optimal performance and lifespan, Ayurveda recommends that we cleanse the "sludge" from our tissues on a regular basis through panchakarma treatments.

Best of all, panchakarma treatments are luxurious, blissful, and make you feel (and look) completely rejuvenated in just a few days time. I have had many a patient who told me that friends asked them afterwards if they had gotten a facelift, they looked so fresh and youthful!

Other free radical busters include: reducing mental stress, eating antioxidant foods like leafy green vegetables, sweet, juicy fruits and cooking on a daily basis with antioxidant, detoxifying spices like turmeric and coriander.

2. Add rejuvenative techniques to daily living:

The daily activities of life in the modern world systematically wear us down and speed up the aging process. Ayurveda maintains it is crucial to practice daily rejuvenative regimens to counteract the stressful wear and tear of everyday life. According to Ayurveda the most important rejuvenative routines for your life are:

    Going to bed by 10:00 PM. This simple habit is one of the most powerful techniques for health and longevity, according to MAV.

    Meditate daily. Any meditation that does not involve concentration (which has been shown to increase anxiety) can be very helpful. I highly recommend the twice-daily deep rest and enlivenment of the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique, whose benefits have been verified by over 700 published research studies.

    Eat organic, whole fresh food that is freshly prepared. There is an Ayurvedic saying: "Without proper diet. medicine is of no use. With proper diet, medicine is of no need." Be sure to avoid those leftovers, processed and microwaved foods for better nutrition and vitality.

    Perform Ayurvedic oil massage in the morning (abhyanga). Morning oil massage purifies the entire body, reduces anxiety and stress, helps prevent and heal injuries and supports circulation. It is especially helpful in creating a radiant complexion and keeping your skin youthful. Research shows it may also help prevent skin cancers.

    Practice yoga asanas. Maintaining flexibility and circulation is key to health.

    Practice pranayama (yoga breathing) techniques. Pranayama enlivens the mind and body. Ideally practice the following sequence twice a day. Asanas, pranayama and meditation.

Rabu, 15 November 2017

Natural Skin Care - Make Your Skin Look Beautiful and Flawless With the Best Natural Ingredients

Do you want a healthy, beautiful and younger looking skin? Then, natural skin care is your best option. The truth is that most of the products on the market including the popular brands contain harsh ingredients that are very harmful to your body.

Some of the harmful ingredients you should avoid include parabens, fragrances, dioxane, petrochemicals such as mineral oil and certain types of alcohol (benzyl, methanol, isopropyl and SD alcohol). It is important to note that your skin has pores and anything you put on it is absorbed into your bloodstream. That is why natural skin care products are the best; they contain ingredients that are safe and compatible with your body.

However, you may be surprised to learn that some so called natural skin care products still contain synthetic ingredients especially fragrances and the synthetic versions of Vitamin E and glycerin. You will do yourself a lot of good by avoiding such products.

One of the vital ingredients to look for when you go shopping is Cynergy TK; this has been called 'liquid skin' because of the way it nourishes the body and fills in wrinkles. Cynergy TK is an active keratin that stimulates the production of collagen and elastin in your body; it promotes cells renewal, thereby making your skin look younger and radiant.

Another ingredient that the best natural skincare products should contain is Phytessense Wakame; this is a potent antioxidant that makes your body flawless. It has been the secret behind the ageless beauty of Japanese women.

Other ingredients to look for include essential oils such as Babassu oil, Grapeseed oil, Maracuja and jojoba oil; these oils help to hydrate your body making it smooth, soft and velvet-like. They are light and similar to the human sebum; hence, they will neither make your skin too greasy nor too dry.

It is also important to adopt a healthy life style: eat healthy diets of mostly veggies and fruits, drink a lot of water and stay away from smoking and binge drinking. Combining this type of lifestyle with good natural skin care products that contain the ingredients mentioned here will help you achieve a well toned, healthy, flawless and younger looking skin. Discover the best natural skin care today.

Selasa, 31 Oktober 2017

Natural Skin Care Products Will Make Your Skin Look Beautiful And Radiant Without Harmful Effects

Natural skin care is the key beauty trend nowadays. Whether it's the best over-the-counter wrinkle defense serum, a facial cream with a blend of herbs, non-drying bath gels or moisturizing creams with high amounts of antioxidants that neutralize harmful free radicals, opting for natural skin care remedies is the best way to give good face.

Natural skin care products are good not just for young & go-getting people frequently traveling or leading active lifestyles but also for those whose spring have run dry but want something that won't irritate skin.

Organic natural products have also become the preferred products of working women on the go, more so those who are advancing in years. Unlike synthetic products, they are effective at making the skin youthful, beautiful and radiant without any harmful side effect.

As we age, the sebaceous glands produce less oil. There are also environmental conditions to deal with air-conditioned rooms, pollution, and stress; so unless you are well aware of effective, thereby losing your youthful appearance.

Modern gals who are updated about natural beauty solutions are fortunate that there are revolutionary natural skin care innovations now that can be used to alleviate parched or distressed, sun-aged skin, and right in the comforts of their homes.

These days, it's common to hear of facial creams and lotions that contain organic ingredients that you can even eat because they are so pure and safe; some of such wonderful are antioxidants like Nano-lipobelle HEQ10 and Vitamin E. Others include Cynergy TK, Phytessence Wakame, Avocado and soothing/healing Active Manuka honey.

Pamper skin from within, too, by eating super fruits like blueberries, omega 3 fatty acid-rich foods like salmon, vitamin A-containing foods like carrots, among other nutritious foods. Drink adequate water and green tea.

If you want homemade natural skin care remedies, check your pantry for useful items like lemons, egg whites, tomatoes, honey and potatoes. For the lemon & egg white skin solution, store the beaten egg white for 15 minutes in the freezer, and then combine lemon juice and tomato (grated) before applying on skin. A spoonful of honey may also be combined with egg white and potato (grated). If you do that consistently, you are going to see some impressive results within a few weeks.

However, I now that most people prefer already made products because they are more convenient and contain clinically proven ingredients; so, if you are looking for a natural skin care brand that is proven to make the skin look younger and beautiful, visit my website.

Discover the best natural skin care brand available today.

Minggu, 15 Oktober 2017

Simple Tips to Buy Beautiful and Perfect Engagement Rings

If you are looking for a perfect and beautiful engagement ring for your lady love then here are few steps which will help you in finding a perfect ring and will also make your shopping process easier.

The first thing which you must bear in mind before you go for shopping is your budget. It is very essential to set your budget so that you can get the idea of how much you have to spend on your ring. And remember there is no need to feel bad if your budget is low. Today you can easily buy beautiful engagement rings for cheap prices from online jewellery stores.

Once you have set your budget you must consider the style and preference of your lady. Engagement rings are the ring which your lady will wear for her rest of the life and so it is very important to buy a ring which suits the personality and lifestyle of your lady. You must also make sure that the ring which you are selecting for her must look good on her hand and must enhance the beauty of her hand. You must also keep in mind the size of her ring finger.

Another thing which you must consider before buying your ring is the place. You must make sure that you are buying your ring from the reputed place. Remember if you will buy your ring from the reputed and popular jewellery store then you will be assured of the quality and you will be also assured that you are getting the best value for your money.

You must also make sure that you have the insurance of your ring. Buying insurance for your ring is very important because we all know that it is not just a piece of jewellery but it holds a very significant place in your life. It symbolizes your true love and commitment which you want to share with your partner till eternity. And as we wear the ring daily hence the chances of getting it lost are more hence it is good idea to have insurance for your ring.

These are the few points which you must consider before buying your engagement ring. Remember by following these few simple steps you can easily find a perfect ring for your lady love.

Sabtu, 23 September 2017

Beauty and Personal Care Products and Information

From antiquity, beauty has been a subject occupying the minds of humankind. Now days, the level of the obsession is higher due to the exigencies of the society. Everyone, male or female, young or old, wants to be congratulated for their beauty. To become more attractive, Americans spend billions of dollars each year in beauty products. According to a research published by the YWCA, American women spend in average $7 billion a year on cosmetics and beauty products. Over 80% of people from ages 16 to 50 billions in cosmetics, you can benefit from this article.

Sometimes in developed countries buy beauty and personal care products such as moisturizing cream, lightening cream/lotion, anti-wrinkle cream /lotion, and beauty masks. If you are one of the millions who spend, the use of cosmetics is more than a luxury, but a need. With age, skin's problems are emerging. At puberty, acne breakouts tend to affect your self-confidence; during pregnancy, stretch marks appear, doing nothing, they will destroy the beauty of your skin; as you age, your skin is invaded by wrinkles. To counteract those imperfections, something must be done. You need to use special personal and skin care products to keep your skin healthy and beautiful.

However, as far as cosmetics, it is difficult to promote a product for all, since everyone has not necessarily the same type of skin. In addition, many internal and external factors such as stress, poor liver or stomach function, hormone disruption, air pollution, and unhealthy or poor diet can affect your skin and beauty. In search of beauty and perfection, many people spend a fortune in plastic surgery, sometimes, resulting in disappointment or even death. To feel good about yourself, you need to tap your beauty in nature, that is, use of 100% natural beauty and personal care products internally (mineral and vitamin supplements to fight free radicals) and externally (cream, lotion, mask, etc.).

The beauty of the skin does not come only from outside or makeup, but also from the interior; that requires healthy diet and lifestyle. In fact, wearing makeup on your face all the times is not good for your skin. Your skin needs to breathe to receive the oxygen and all elements it needs to be healthy. In addition, you must eat a healthy and balanced diet. Avoid, as far as possible, tobacco, sweet and fatty foods. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, regular consumption of fruit and vegetables could heal major skin problems that cosmetic products fail to reverse. Along with using beauty products, the following is strongly recommended:

Eat Fruit and vegetables- Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, they provide nutrients, not just for your skin, but your entire body. Certain of these fruits and vegetables (carrot, cucumber, etc.) can also be used on the skin as a mask. Some fruits like strawberries and apricots have nourishing and softening effects on your skin, citrus fruits have healing effects on the stretch marks; flaxseed oil and Carrots, rich in vitamin A, diminish complexion and rejuvenate the skin cells.

Drink plenty of fluids - drink about 8 glasses of water a day (plus a few glasses of natural juice) to help your body getting rid of toxins and keep your skin moisturized and fresh. To start your day, in an empty stomach, drink a glass of distilled water; it helps your body eliminate toxins absorbed. Although simple, this action may remediate certain problems of the stomach and other organs such as kidney and gastro-intestine.

Hydrogen Peroxide Baths - to fight free radicals (on your skin) and refresh your skin, you can take a bath in hydrogen peroxide by putting 1 cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide in a tub full of water and remain in it for 15 to 30 minutes. Do this no more than 3 times a week, and at least one hour before going to bed because high level of oxygen in your skin cells can prevent you from falling sleep.

Rabu, 06 September 2017

Anti Aging Products to Award Beautiful and Younger Skin

Slowing or reversing the age process is called anti-aging and almost all of us want to look young at every age. Early detection and prevention of age related diseases is anti aging. Our expectation from life has increased and every body wants to look young and more refreshing at the age of 40-50 also.

When you see models and actors you wonder how they look young with smooth skin and slim body. When you see their pictures and photographs which glow like diamond then you may get jealous and feel to shed off your age. You admire their lifestyle how they manage to shed their age and always look young. It's the magic of anti- aging products available in market.

They are simply awesome for those who want to control their age factors on their glowing skin. You can defuse your age and your skin will look young and shining all the times. These products are easily available in different range and quality. Listed below are few products which are commonly used by people.

Soaps: Soaps are common and easily available according to your skin type you can erase your anti aging and balance your skin cells. Dry, oily, normal all skin types are available and you can adopt it to remove toxins of your skin and it leave gentle and smooth skin. Soaps also remove dead skins of your body

Creams & lotions: Creams and lotions are always good to erase wrinkles and improve your overall appearance. It protects your skin cells and provides essential vitamins to your skin. They help you in rebuilding your damage skin cells. They provide better nourishment and act as a moisturizer also. Dry skins get itches, stretches, and appear dehydrated and proper moisturization is required for healthy skin.

Anti oxidant facials: Beauty treatments are common from long time and many people trust on them. These products tighten your skin and accord extra glow. They allow beautiful and problem free skin to you. It removes dead cells with oxidant formula and gives renewed skin. In this process special tools tighten the loose pores and these facials are different from normal skin facials. It gives proper oxygen to your skin and regular facial provide a rosy look to your skin. These facials are inexpensive and useful at every age.

Drugs: They are supplements which provide essential nutrients and vitamins to your skin. They have no side effects and they delay aging process of your body at fast rate. You can maintain your desirable skin without any hard efforts. You will get more energy and they also increase oxidant level in your body and remove toxins and wastes easily.

Yoga & exercise: Yoga is best remedy for every problem regular yoga asana & exercise can prevent you from getting old. They give you younger and fresh look every time. They keep your body healthy and fit and control aging process. Special yoga asana are designed to fight with anti aging and they work well with every age group. They increase oxygen level in body and balance your breathing activities which help you in anti aging. Different yoga poses tighten your skin pores, fight with aging process, and provide you healthy and beautiful life. Just you're few efforts of Regular yoga and exercises can improve your skin without anti aging products.

Food and healthy diet: Your diet is important in fighting with anti aging and many other problems of your body. Walnuts, green leafy vegetables, berries, beans, melons, whole meal pasta or rice, ginger, garlic and cruciferous vegetables allow you a healthy life as well as glowing and fresh skin. You can easily fight with anti aging with these nutritional foods. Green tea, Red wine and large amount of water is preferable for you to remain young and healthy. Without using anti aging things you can erase aging of your skin with your food and lifestyle.

Minggu, 20 Agustus 2017

Flower Tattoo Designs - Discover the Beauty and Diversity of Flower Tattoo Designs

Flower tattoo designs are very popular among females. A lot of women who want to have a tattoo will most likely choose flower designs. Flower tattoo designs are feminine, and they remain as one of the most common options among women who embrace the art of skin tattooing.

There are several reasons why flower tattoo designs offer a good choice for permanent body tattoo. Flowers are not only beautiful, they are also timeless. They signify a woman's femininity and diversity. More often than not, flower tattoo designs are colorful, bright and very attractive. They make a good impression on a woman's skin. The choice of colors is essential in coming up with a great looking tattoo.

Flower tattoo designs are sizable. Depending on your preference, you can choose to cover one entire area of your body with the design you want or you can choose one cute, small flower for one area of your skin. You can also opt for sprawling flower tattoo design to be positioned on your lower back. This is both sexy and feminine. If you want a smaller design or just a single flower for a tattoo, you can have it placed on one side of your upper back or on your upper arm - a common spot for tattoos.

There are a lot of add-ons that you can incorporate in your flower tattoo design. You can choose to add thorns, leaves or even ribbon details. Butterfly and birds designs can blend well with flower tattoos. Fairies can also be added to create a fantasy theme. You can also choose your own concept such as adding words or names.

There are also many ways to enhance flower tattoo designs. You can start with a single flower and then, after sometime when you have decided to have a bigger tattoo, you can choose to add more flowers and have a crawling design or other fancy details. These designs can also be easily customized and the possibilities for color combinations are endless. This shows just how flexible and diverse flower tattoo designs are.

Depending on your personality, you can choose a particular flower tattoo design that suits you. One of the most common is the hibiscus flower design. It presents a summery, Hawaiian theme that is both laid back and relaxed. Hibiscus flowers have a tropical and exotic island flavor and they symbolize an easy-going, fun-filled lifestyle.

If you want a more unique flavor, the Lotus flower is also an excellent choice. This flower starts as a bud against the mud down in the bottom of the river and it slowly rises up on top of the water for sunlight. Soon, they unfold into a beautiful and lovely flower. Based on the beliefs of Hindus and Buddhists, this flower symbolizes the soul's journey towards enlightenment. The lotus flower tattoo design can be used to symbolize a person's deeper persona and spiritual attributes.